Martie SiroisAn Open Letter To The Pittsburgh First RespondersAnd Lessons We Can Learn From the Different Reactions of Trump and Pittsburgh Mayor PedutoOct 29, 2018Oct 29, 2018
Martie Sirois“I’ll Take Shakespearean Portmanteaus For $200, Alex”The answer is… politics in the era of reality TV show presidentsOct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
Martie SiroisA Long-Overdue ‘Beginning of the End’ For Donald Trump?The circus sideshow has overstayed its welcome. It’s time for the Ringmaster to exit stage right.Oct 5, 20202Oct 5, 20202
Martie SiroisTrump Is Not Hitler…But Trump and the current D.C. Republicans are just as evil and dangerous as Hitler — maybe even more soAug 18, 20203Aug 18, 20203
Martie SiroisI Refuse To Condemn Nancy Pelosi For Ripping Up Trump’s SpeechAs a patriotic American, I fully support standing up to tyrantsFeb 5, 20205Feb 5, 20205
InThe PolisbyMartie SiroisRussian Trolls Continue Dividing America While We Stand Idly ByTheir end goal isn’t about electing the next useful idiot; it’s absolute subversion of our nationJan 13, 20201Jan 13, 20201
InThe PolisbyMartie Sirois“How’d We End Up With Trump?”He bottled up nostalgia — marketed by a pricey fear campaign, distributed by public paranoia, for free — and he sold it.Nov 17, 20197Nov 17, 20197
Martie SiroisDonald Trump’s Long-Documented History of Being a Horrible PersonDon’t just take my word for it; there’s plenty of evidence. Here’s some of it.Oct 6, 20194Oct 6, 20194
Martie SiroisThe Upshot of The Mueller Report & HearingsAll the takeaways you need in five pointsJul 26, 2019Jul 26, 2019
Martie SiroisThis Should’ve Been The End Of trump. (And This. And This…)What more will it take?Jul 24, 20193Jul 24, 20193
Martie SiroisOn America’s Culture War And Misguided Sense Of PatriotismWhose brand of patriotism will win the culture war — Tomi Lahren’s #FinalThoughts, or Megan Rapinoe’s #VictoryPose?Jul 11, 20192Jul 11, 20192
Martie SiroisGerrymandering And The Supreme Court In The Era Of TrumpHow some of our worst fears have already begun being realized with the appointment of Brett KavanaughJul 1, 2019Jul 1, 2019
Martie SiroisBrett Kavanaugh Is Not A VictimA picture of a man privileged in every possible way, yet sees himself as some kind of besieged underdogOct 1, 2018Oct 1, 2018
Martie SiroisThe Chilling Similarities of Trumpism and CultsTrump and his followers are not unlike a cult whose religion is a (misguided) sense of “patriotism”Jun 21, 20185Jun 21, 20185
Martie SiroisDeVos, Severino, And The “Religious Freedom” DivisionThe latest from Trump that may harm our most vulnerable — transgender youth — who were just getting their first taste of living…Jan 20, 2018Jan 20, 2018
Martie SiroisOne Year Under A Trump PresidencyOne year ago last night in the mountains of NC, on a mini vacation we’d been hoping to make for years, my husband and I sat at our cozy…Nov 10, 2017Nov 10, 2017
Martie SiroisThoughts And Prayers Are Meaningless Without ActionSunday, November 5th at 11:20 a.m., a deranged white man donning all black, a ballistic vest, and an assault rifle casually walked into the…Nov 7, 2017Nov 7, 2017