Martie SiroisWhy You Can Trust the Science Behind the COVID-19 VaccineA common public misconception is “there’s not enough research yet” to trust the vaccine. In reality, it’s been 10 years in the making.Jul 8, 20211Jul 8, 20211
InAn Injustice!byMartie SiroisIt Isn’t ‘Cancel Culture’ — It’s Accountability (and Capitalism)Will the current GOP leaders ever learn to accurately label their biggest grievance?Mar 20, 20214Mar 20, 20214
InAn Injustice!byMartie SiroisTrump Doesn’t Get To Whine About ‘Cancel Culture’ When He’s CEO Of It(Among other hypocrisies highlighted throughout the RNC)Sep 3, 20201Sep 3, 20201
Martie SiroisI Just Left My College Freshman Alone In Her Dorm, And I Can’t Stop CryingIt’s hard enough under normal circumstances, but a global pandemic only makes “goodbyes” that much harderAug 14, 2020Aug 14, 2020
Martie SiroisThe Reason Why Some Words Make Us So Angry(It’s almost never about the actual words.)Aug 1, 20202Aug 1, 20202
InDataDrivenInvestorbyMartie SiroisIf We Ever Return To The Office, Please Don’t Ask Me To “Support” Your MLM(But Girl Scout cookies will always be fair game)May 5, 20202May 5, 20202
InILLUMINATIONbyMartie SiroisGen X Strong: An Ode To The “Lost Generation” In A Global PandemicA moment of ironic notoriety, amid COVID-19Apr 17, 20201Apr 17, 20201
Martie SiroisWe Ought Not Worship The BuildingHow faith leaders responded when a global pandemic displaced EasterApr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
Martie SiroisTo The Class Of 2020, Who Deserves A F*king ParadeIn defense of Gen Z during a global pandemicMar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
InThe StartupbyMartie SiroisNextdoor: A Toxic Dumping Ground (Until COVID-19, That Is)How a mobile app highlights the decay — and return — of human decencyMar 24, 20208Mar 24, 20208
Martie SiroisCoronavirus Lite: Trump StyleA global pandemic, as experienced by *Trump supportersMar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020
Martie Sirois‘Abomination’ Doesn’t Mean What They Think It MeansHow one word became ammunition for selective moral outrage under the guise of ChristianityFeb 24, 20202Feb 24, 20202
InIntersectionbyMartie SiroisMisophonia And Trump’s Voice: A Correlation?If the sound of Donald Trump’s voice provokes an inexplicable rage response that seems to come from the depth of your soul, you might be…Feb 17, 20203Feb 17, 20203
InThe StartupbyMartie SiroisThe Trendiest Time-Wasting App For Teens Is TikTok — And I Love ItWith body positivity, trans & queer representation, cat humor & senior citizens going viral, all in 15 second clips, what’s not to love?Feb 3, 2020Feb 3, 2020
Martie SiroisWhen Ignoring Doesn’t WorkWe’ve all heard the advice to “just ignore” a bully. But sometimes, when we ignore the behavior, we allow it to exist — and to thrive.Feb 3, 20203Feb 3, 20203
Martie SiroisHow To Tell If Stories Like “I’m the Woman from the Peloton Commercial…” Are Satire Or NotOr, handy tips for fact-checking stuff you read on the internetDec 22, 2019Dec 22, 2019
InInvisible IllnessbyMartie SiroisThe Invisibility of Chronic PainAnd the universal truths we mentally suffer for itDec 1, 20196Dec 1, 20196
Martie SiroisFor Anyone Who’s Lost Loved Ones To Fox NewsHelpless victims swept up in a vortex of propaganda and paranoia, or intentional, active participants? And what (if anything) can we do…Nov 26, 20195Nov 26, 20195
InThe PolisbyMartie SiroisLet’s Talk About BullyingSpecifically, how speaking truth to power is NOT bullying; in fact, as Americans, it’s our civic duty.Nov 25, 20192Nov 25, 20192