Martie SiroisThe ‘Bad Apples’ Are Coming From Rotten TreesPolicing in America is a flawed systemic issue — rooted in racismMay 1, 20211May 1, 20211
Martie Sirois‘Woke’ is Not a Bad Word, EitherOn the conservative right’s weaponization of words, especially the ones that originated in Black cultureJun 27, 20214Jun 27, 20214
Martie SiroisThis Is Why They KneelThe backstory behind Colin Kaepernick’s iconic #TakeAKnee movement, and where us white folks go from hereJun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020
Martie Sirois‘Woke’ is Not a Bad Word, EitherOn the conservative right’s weaponization of words, especially the ones that originated in Black cultureJun 27, 20214Jun 27, 20214
Martie SiroisThe ‘Bad Apples’ Are Coming From Rotten TreesPolicing in America is a flawed systemic issue — rooted in racismMay 1, 20211May 1, 20211
Martie SiroisDerek Chauvin’s 19-Year Reign of TerrorWith a guilty verdict, justice has only just begunApr 22, 202111Apr 22, 202111
InAn Injustice!byMartie SiroisWhat Exactly is the Role of Public Safety & Policing in America?We need to take a hard look at what these things really mean, especially when it comes to certain communitiesApr 19, 20211Apr 19, 20211
Martie SiroisThe Most Common Misconceptions About White PrivilegeExamining what the social context of privilege *does not* meanMay 13, 20203May 13, 20203
Martie SiroisWhite People: It’s Not Racist To Call Them “Black People”But saying “I don’t see color” is definitely tone deaf, and shows your white privilegeMar 28, 20202Mar 28, 20202
Martie SiroisWhen You’re A “Good” White Person Called Out For RacismBeing a better ally starts with knowing when to shut up, and when to speak upMar 19, 2020Mar 19, 2020
Martie SiroisConservative Outrage Over The #TakeAKnee Movement Revealed Racism, Not PatriotismHypocrisy and phony patriotism: two principles of the new Republican partyMar 1, 2020Mar 1, 2020
InIntersectionbyMartie SiroisConcrete Ways That Anyone Can Pushback Against Racism in 2020A few things I’ve learned about racial discrimination, privilege, and intersectionality — while advocating for my white, trans teenFeb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
InBroads Non GratabyMartie SiroisWhite Man’s Angry Willful IgnoranceHow ‘whitemansplaining’ happens to women who dare speak truth to powerFeb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020
Martie SiroisA White Supremacist In My Hometown Was Trending On TwitterA jarring reminder that white supremacists live, work, and play all around us.Jul 28, 20195Jul 28, 20195
Martie SiroisHow Not To Sound Like An American RacistTwo things to quit saying, in case you didn’t get the memoJun 20, 20198Jun 20, 20198
Martie SiroisMy Fellow White People: This Is What’s Meant By ‘White Privilege’Why we’re so resistant to it, and why we should definitely “check it”Apr 22, 201928Apr 22, 201928
Martie SiroisWe Need To Let Black Women LeadFirst, can we simply listen to our black sisters without using the word ‘divisive?’ Please?Jan 22, 20181Jan 22, 20181
Martie SiroisThe Kind Of Racism You Don’t Even Know You HaveIt was unnerving to realize: not only was I part of the problem, but I didn’t know how to fix it either.Nov 21, 201718Nov 21, 201718